INPS (Impact of Non-synonymous mutations on Protein Stability) is a web server for predicting the impact of non-synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (nsSNPs) on protein stability starting from protein sequence.


INPS ia a predictor for annotating the effect of non-synonymous mutations on the protein stability from its sequence.
INPS is based on SVM regression and it is trained to predict the thermodynamic free energy change upon single-point variations in protein sequences.
INPS performs similarly to the state-of-the-art methods based on protein structure when tested in cross-validation on a non-redundant dataset.
INPS performs very well also on a newly generated dataset consisting of a number of variations occurring in the tumor suppressor protein p53.
We suggest that INPS is a tool suited for computing the effect of non-synonymous polymorphisms on protein stability when the protein structure is not available.


To start using INPS you simply need to upload FASTA sequence and mutation files and press the "Start prediciton" button.
The server accepts a single FASTA sequence at least 30 residue long.


There are two main sections in the result page: