E-pRSA is a method for predicting the Relative Solvent Accessibility of residues in a protein chain without requiring previous knowledge of the 3-dimensional structure.


The target sequence is first processed by two different and complementary protein languade models (PLMs), ProtT5 and ESM2, to generate a concatenated vector of 1280+1024=2304 features for each residue. The output consists of a single value between 0 and 1, representing the putative RSA of the residue. A threshold of 20% is also adopted to distinguish Buried and Exposed residues.


The required input is a protein sequence in FASTA format, of a lenght in the range of 50 to 5,000 valid residues (ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYVUXZB).
The user may insert the FASTA in three different ways:

When the input has problems, the input box turns red and it will notify what it is necessary to change; when the box becomes green, the "Submit" bottom can be pressed.


There are three main sections in the result page:

The Feature Viewer and the Data Tables are only shown for single sequence predictions.