The Bologna ENZyme Web Server (BENZ WS) annotates the Enzyme Commission numbers (EC numbers) of enzymes, defined by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB). BENZ WS is based on HMMs and PFAMs and returns a four-level EC number for a target which is retained by the system.


For a query sequence, in FASTA format, the annotation procedure starts with HMM filtering. If the retaining HMM is plurivocally associated to different References Sequences (blue star), a dendrogram is generated to find among the reference sequences the most similar one to the target. Otherwise (yellow star), the target is associated to the only reference. The EC number-query sequence association is then made after evaluating if the reference protein architecture (Ref Seq Arch) is contained (⊆) in that of the predicted target Pfam architecture (Query Pred Arch), focusing on Pfams carrying relevant sites. Pfams in our system are annotated when possible, with the positions of the active site, ligand binding site and metal binding site (relevant sites). A sequence feature viewer allows the user to verify whether the query sequence conserves the residues relevant to the protein catalysis for validating the transfer of annotation from the reference sequence. Links to the reference sequence UniProt/SwissProt file, structure PDB file and Pfam entries, together with KEGG identifiers and pathways are also present in the output.


Single protein sequence in FASTA format.


Page containing different cross-links, including the EC number, the Predicted Pfam Target Architecture, the Reference Sequence, the Reference Structure, the Reference Architecture, and the Source.