BAR 3.0

Web-server for Protein functional and structural annotation.


BAR 3.0 is a web server for the functional annotation of protein sequences. The annotation process relies on a non-hierarchical clustering procedure of a BLAST all-against-all comparison of entire UniProtKB (SwissProt + TrEMBL) without fragments sequences. A graph scheme is adopted in which each protein is a node. An edge is established between two nodes if the two corresponding sequences share a BLAST hit that undergoes the following constraints:

The coverage is defined as the ratio of the length of the intersection of the aligned regions on the two sequences and the overall length of the alignment (namely the sum of the lengths of the two sequences minus the intersection length). Clusters are the connected components of the graph and are disjointed (each sequence belongs only to one cluster).


BAR 3.0 provides user different usage options:


The cluster page shows different kind of information: